Taiwan has the 12th freest economy in the world.
According to the annual Economic Freedom of the World report released by the Fraser Institute in 2018, Taiwan’s ranks 12th…
According to the annual Economic Freedom of the World report released by the Fraser Institute in 2018, Taiwan’s ranks 12th…
In the World Happiness Report 2018, Taiwan ranked first in the East Asian region and 26th overall among 156 countries…
In the the Human Freedom Index 2017 released by the Fraser Institute of Canada, Taiwan moved up from 26th to 18th place…
For the second year in a row, Taiwan was selected as having the world’s most open access to government data,…
In the Heritage Foundation’s 23rd annual Economic Freedom Index rankings in 2017, Taiwan moved up from 17th to 11th place as…
Its active civil society, free media, government agencies’ willingness to provide open data and pursue transparency, and the data.gov.tw website…
The Religion and Public Life Project of the PEW Research Center determined in a 2014 report that Taiwan ranked “second…